Code to check by phone type

How to check Redmi Mi-Phone

Dial * # * # 64663 # * # * from the call center. A china or English function dialog will appear. This code is also currently trying to filter Rafer blocks, so go to a setting where clones cannot be filtered. Click the kenal version in About four or five times. If it appears, set it to Fake. If not, set it to Fake. You want to check the whole phone.

How to check Samsung phone

* # 0 * #. This code also needs to be checked in the clone. Dial * # * # 7353 # * # * I want to go to war. However, it is still available on clone phones after 2016, so finally take a look at the fount style from Display. If not, fake it.

How to check HUAWEI phone

Dial * # * # 2846579 # * # * from the call field. Some phones appear, but others do not. Then dial * # * # 121314 # * # * In the past, low-end phones were listed, but now they are not. Click on the M-label; Go through it with the voice key. Check them out. If they do not appear, consider them fake.

How to check Vi Vo phone

From the sun calling the phone Type * 558 # and the function table will appear. But I still can not believe it. 2016-clones are also found in California. Then type the next one * # * # 4838 # * # *. If neither of these codes appears, consider it a clone.