If your internet connection is down, you can use your phone to connect to each other or through a network of networks.Here are some available mesh network apps: “FireChat” for Android & Apple iOS “The Serval Mesh” for Android “Signal ...

In English, it is called Landfill fire. Trash There are two types of landfill fires. Burning on the surface and burning inside. Fires on the surface of landfills are a common problem in developing countries. The rubbish is not properly ...

Sweet potato is a staple food in Japan and produces about 1.8 million tons a year. Mainly cultivated in Kyushu and Canto states. Sweet potato is used to extract calcium. For use in the food industry; For use in animal ...

Here are some of the ones I found to be useful: Memory sticks are just as commonly used and damaged. The computer no longer knows. Ask them to format it. You can no longer add files. There are many problems ...

A recipe that housewives do not know yet Secrets Vinegar Vinegar can protect rice husks.In hot weather, add a drop of vinegar and cook. Not only does it highlight the aroma and taste of the rice, it also protects the ...

1. You will be able to use Gboard Keyboard. On the Gboard Keyboard, you can automatically type just by speaking Myanmar. 2. You will be able to use Google Lens. Take a photo with the camera on Google Lens and ...